And I guess like you said:" I am getting." It seems that you took offense (personally) by my remarks.I did review the program and I do l,ike the program and I use the program on an almost daily base. I am one of those lucky guys that can do everything that I want. Also you should definitely try MakeMKV as an alternative to AnyDVD HD for ripping blurays to the overload yes i like to hear myself, i like to see myself, and i like everything life has to offfer. People on the internet will argue all day about the settings I've just given, but it should be a good starting place since all the options can be bewildering for novices. If it's DTS I like to compress with Nero AAC in Foobar2000 and remux the audio with MKVMerge, because the AAC options in Handbrake for Windows aren't good quality but they don't allow Nero's AAC encoder because of licensing issues. For audio use passthru if it's an AC3 file, otherwise you're compressing a compressed file. On the picture tab, Anamorphic=Loose, Modulus=16, Cropping=automatic. Use high profile, Film preset, I use the slower setting. I Use constant quality at RF 16 for HD rips (may be overkill, lower is better, many people recommend 22 or 20 for HD.
Use x264 as video codec, with the mp4 file extension with large file size (I prefer mkv because you can add chapters etc). Hey Outlier.the software you'll want is Handbrake: