
The pathless trophy guide
The pathless trophy guide

the pathless trophy guide

Refer to The Secret's Out for more information. Note: These achievements stack throughout your playthroughs. Leave it to last, and you shouldn't have a problem. It's best to do this on a run through of Normal difficulty, after you've upgraded yourself as much as possible. When you die, you're given the option to respawn using a Yellow Orb. If you're having any issues, look up a guide from around the net as there are many very in-depth ones out there.ĭMC: Finish the game without using any Yellow Orbs Their Devil Trigger basically makes them immune to being stunned, and as such they can interrupt your combos. Enemies are extremely aggressive, they do lots of damage, they have more health, and what's worse is that they can actually use Devil Trigger. It's a slow, tedious mode where you WILL die. In this mode, you need to be less offensive and more defensive.

the pathless trophy guide

Enemies are more aggressive, and deal more damage.ĭMC: Finish the game on Dante Must Die Mode If you've maxed your Health and Devil Gauges, as well as purchased all skills on your first playthrough, this run should be almost easier. Do as much on this playthrough as possible, as it will make the higher difficulties a lot eaier. Start here, as completing the game on "Easy Automatic" does not count toward the achievement.

The pathless trophy guide